and suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a mighty wind coming: and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them parted tongues, as it were of fire: and it sat upon every one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost: and they began to speak with divers tongues, according as the Holy Ghost gave them to speak.
Acts 2:2-4
The Feast of Pentecost marks the end of Eastertide for Catholics around the globe. In Rome, thousands of red rose petals are dropped from the oculus of the Pantheon upon a crowd gathered for Sunday Mass.
This Pentecost, let us renew our religious zeal and learn from the apostles and Christian throughout history, be filled with the Holy Spirit and proclaim the Gospel in our day to day lives.
Come Holy Spirit
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
Here the team in Church Candles NZ wishes you all a happy feast of Pentecost. May the Holy Spirit protects and blesses you always.
Ye men of Galilee, why wonder you, looking up to heaven? Alleluia. He shall so come as you have seen Him going up into heaven. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Introit for the Feast of Ascension
Happy Feast of the Ascension of our Lord. During Mass today, the priest extinguish the Paschal Candle after the Gospel marking the 40 days since the great Easter festivities.
Here in Church Candles NZ wish you all a happy Feast of Ascension and like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the support.
Victimae paschali laudes
immolent Christiani.
Agnus redemit oves:
Christus innocens Patri
reconciliavit peccatores.
Mors et vita duello
conflixere mirando:
dux vitae mortuus,
regnat vivus.
Dic nobis Maria,
quid vidisti in via?
Sepulcrum Christi viventis,
et gloriam vidi resurgentis
Angelicos testes,
sudarium, et vestes.
Surrexit Christus spes mea:
praecedet suos [vos] in Galilaeam.
Scimus Christum surrexisse
a mortuis vere:
tu nobis, victor Rex, miserere.
Amen. Alleluia.
Q: What is the deal with “Unity Candle” in a wedding and is it part of the Catholic Tradition?
Although it is a “lovely” thing that involves members from both families signifying the joining of the two families, the fact remains that lighting of the unity candle is not part of the Rite of the Church for the Sacrament of Matrimony. The reason being is that the unity among Christians is through the Sacraments of the Church, especially the Sacrament of Baptism. These Sacraments which are given to us so generously by the Mother Church grafted us into the Mystical Body of Christ. Indeed the Holy Matrimony is one of these great Sacrament. That’s why some Catholic priests are reluctant to incorporate unity candles in the Nuptial Mass.
Q: Can I still have a candle lighting ceremony of some sort at my wedding?
Yes, of course, you can! Just not during the nuptial Mass or during the ceremony.
You can light the wedding candle in front of a statue of Our Lady and dedicate your marriage to the Blessed Mother after the signing of the register.
You can also light the wedding candles at the wedding reception.
Light the wedding candles at your wedding anniversaries.
Q: What is the reason behind making this post?
The reason for this post is obviously not to discourage you to buy a wedding candle! I mean, why would I do that! The reason for this post is to ensure our customers here in Church Candles NZ make good use of our products within the liturgical rites of the Church.
One of the common questions clients ask us is what we do with the Baptism candle after the child is Baptised. Other than putting it on a display shelf and gathering dust, here are a few suggestions:
Celebrate the Baptism Date every year. The Church teaches us that Baptism is a new birth in the Mystical Body Christ. Therefore let us celebrate the Baptism date every year by lighting the Baptism candle during your family prayer time.
Bring the Baptism candle to the Easter Vigil ceremony and light your baptism candle as you renew your Baptismal promises.
Use the same candle for your other Sacraments (First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Marriage or even Holy Order). If you brought the Baptism candle originally from us and are able to drop your candles off in our studio. we will be happy to refurbish the candle for you and add details on the candle for $5. (Pillar Candles only… there isn’t much space in the carved candles to add extra details.)
It is important to have a record of your Baptism date and the church as it makes applying for the replacement of the Baptism certificate easier. keep your candle in a dry, cool place and avoid direct sunlight.
Loving Mother of the Redeemer, who remains the accessible Gateway of Heaven, and Star of the Sea, Give aid to a falling people that strives to rise; O Thou who begot thy holy Creator, while all nature marvelled, Virgin before and after receiving that “Ave” from the mouth of Gabriel, have mercy on sinners.
Alma redemptoris mater Quae pervia caeli porta manes et stella maris Succurre cadenti surgere qui curat populo Tu quae genuisti natura mirante Tuum sanctum genitorem Virgo prius ac posterius Gabrielis ab ore sumens illud ave Peccatorum miserere
Thine be the glory
Risen conquering Son
Endless is the victory
Thou o'er death hast won
Angels in bright raiment
Rolled the stone away
Kept the folded grave clothes
Where Thy body lay
Thine be the glory
Risen conquering Son
Endless is the victory
Thou o'er death hast won
Lo! Jesus meets us
Risen from the tomb
Lovingly, He greets us
Scatters fear and gloom
Let the church with gladness
Hymns of triumph sing
For her Lord now liveth
Death hath lost its sting
Thine be the glory
Risen conquering Son
Endless is the victory
Thou o'er death hast won
The Catholic Church dedicated the month of May to our Lady, Mary, the Mother of God. St. Pope John Paul II presented her to us as “Woman of the Eucharist.” in the encyclical, Ecclesia de Eucharistia.
One of the many titles in the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary I often ponder on is the “Ark of the Covenant”. In the Old Testament, the Ark of the Covenant is described as God’s footstool inside the Holy of Holy. Mary through the mystery of the incarnation, bear God Himself in her womb.
Let us use this month to renew our love and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, asking for her intercession so we can imitate her Fiat, and we too one day be united with her Son in the heavenly light.
“In him was life: and the life was the light of men.”
John 1:4
In Western society, candles have often been used as a sign of hope, a light in the darkness. Even in this secular world today, a candlelight vigil is held whenever tragedy is struck. The Holy Mother Church in Her wisdom also asked us, Her children, to ponder on this mystery of burning candles as She incorporate this sacramental into the liturgical life of the Church.
Let us begin with the wick of the candle. The wick of a candle is the center of the candle, where the flame burns ever so brightly. However, the wick of a candle is usually braided from 3 cotton strands. This for us Catholic symbolizes the “oneness” of the Holy Trinity, where the three Divine Persons; The Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost united together in the Divine love. This unity of love brings forth the light which the darkness of hell cannot overcome.
And the light shineth in darkness: and the darkness did not comprehend it.
John 1:5
The Church specifically asks Her children to use beeswax candles wherever possible. Not just because of some sort of “healing properties” or because it is “natural” but of the mystical symbolism of bees. The significance of bees is so treasured by the Church that there is even a specific blessing of bees in the Roman Missal.
V. Our help is in the name of the Lord. R. Who has made heaven and earth.
V. The Lord be with you. R. And with your spirit.
Let us pray.
Lord God almighty, You have created heaven and earth, and all the animals existing on the earth and in the earth and the air, that men might make use of them. You have also directed that the priests of Your holy Church should in the House of God light candles made of the work of bees while that sacred ministry is being performed in which the most holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, Your Son, becomes present and is consumed. May Your blessing come down upon these bees and these beehives. May they multiply and be fruitful and be preserved from all evils, so that the product which comes from them may be used to praise You, Your Son, and the Holy Spirit, and the most blessed Virgin Mary, through the same Christ our Lord. R. Amen.
The Blessing of Bees – Roman Ritual
The worker bees are the children of the Queen signifying our Lady, the “New Eve” who our Lord Jesus entrusted to us as our mother as He said on the Cross, “Behold your mother”. Just as the worker bees work tirelessly and collect from the flowers bringing them the nectar. The hive turns them into sweet honey and pure wax and so we the faithful who day to day work tirelessly in the world to bring back to the Church and through the grace of God and His Church and transform our work into spiritual food.
On the 2nd of February, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, (formally known as the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary or simply Candlemas) marks the end of the Christmastide (in the Traditional Calendar). The Mass for this Feast always starts with a blessing for beeswax candles and a candlelight procession.
“The wax of the candles signifies the virginal flesh of the Divine Infant, the wick figures His soul, and the flame His divinity.”
St. Anselm (1033-1109), Archbishop of Canterbury
Here in Church Candles NZ, you can request your beeswax candles to be blessed before shipping / pick-up. Your order will be blessed by the priest of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter in the traditional form in Latin.
The Blessing of Candles
P: Our help is in the name of the Lord. All: Who made heaven and earth. P: The Lord be with you. All: And with your spirit.
Let us pray. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, bless + these candles at our lowly request. Endow them, Lord, by the power of the holy + cross, with a blessing from on high, you who gave them to mankind in order to dispel darkness. Let the blessing that they receive from the sign of the holy + cross be so effectual that, wherever they are lighted or placed, the princes of darkness may depart in trembling from all these places, and flee in fear, along with all their legions, and never more dare to disturb or molest those who serve you, the almighty God, who live and reign forever and ever. All: Amen.
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Beautiful baptismal candle, quick and ea...
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