One of the common questions clients ask us is what we do with the Baptism candle after the child is Baptised. Other than putting it on a display shelf and gathering dust, here are a few suggestions:

  1. Celebrate the Baptism Date every year. The Church teaches us that Baptism is a new birth in the Mystical Body Christ. Therefore let us celebrate the Baptism date every year by lighting the Baptism candle during your family prayer time.
  2. Bring the Baptism candle to the Easter Vigil ceremony and light your baptism candle as you renew your Baptismal promises.
  3. Use the same candle for your other Sacraments (First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Marriage or even Holy Order). If you brought the Baptism candle originally from us and are able to drop your candles off in our studio. we will be happy to refurbish the candle for you and add details on the candle for $5. (Pillar Candles only… there isn’t much space in the carved candles to add extra details.)
  4. It is important to have a record of your Baptism date and the church as it makes applying for the replacement of the Baptism certificate easier. keep your candle in a dry, cool place and avoid direct sunlight.
Categories: Reflections.

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