Baptismal Gown with bonnet


Beautiful Baptismal Gown, 6-12 months

13 in stock

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  • For 6-12 Months.
  • high quality cotton
  • Handwash ONLY.

On top of the Baptism candle, another common practice is to dress your infant in a white garment commonly known as the baptismal gown.

This beautiful hand-sewn baptismal gown comes with a bonnet, surrounded by beautiful floral lace.

In ancient times when baptism was administered by immersion, the candidates stripped off their old garments before descending into the font, never to wear them again. Figuratively it meant putting off the old man of sin who stems from Adam. On coming out of the font after baptism they clothed themselves in new white garments in sign of their new innocence and purity; or as St. Paul says, “putting on Christ as a garment.” This is reminiscent of our Lord’s parable of the wedding garment.

With infant Baptism these days (both in the Traditional Rite and the Modern Rite), the infant is dressed in a white baptismal gown and after the child was Baptised, the child will receive a white linen as well as the Baptism candle.


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